12 Digital Marketing Important Answer you have to know
What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is any kind of marketing that is geared towards smartphones, laptops, tablets and basically any other device that is capable of connecting to Wi-Fi. Traditional marketing will focus on radio, TV, print and film, whereas when it comes to digital marketing we want to be thinking about apps, websites, blogs, social media, email and online content. Would my company benefit from digital marketing? YES YES YES . You don’t have to replace your traditional marketing efforts with digital ones, but it is 2019 and if the word digital doesn’t come into your marketing strategy then your business will not thrive. It really is as simple as that. What are the typical roles within a digital marketing agency? This varies depending on the size of your agency and what you tend to specialise in. Below is a list of roles commonly found in a digital marketing agency: Managing Director/Founder Account Manager: as a client you may be assigned an acco...